Yoga in Kirchseeon
Be present, here and now with Ollin Yoga
Yoga in Kirchseeon, Nahe Grafing, Zorneding Baldham, Ebersberg
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About us
Ollin is a concept of ancient Mexico and means dualism (as well as the Ying and Yang) but also movement or creative energy. It means that life is always in motion, with ups and downs, with creation and destruction, logical and at the same time contradictory, but also beautiful, magical and mysterious. These thoughts direct and guide our main teachings and practices in Ollin Yoga as we focus on helping participants to get a better connection with themselves and their surroundings, and discover this wonderful and magical world. We offer a variety of courses, workshops and more to help everyone achieve healthier minds and bodies.
Classes / Schedule
Ashtanga is the art of rhythmic breathing together with the movement from one position to the next. The dynamics and the connection of breath and asana create a soothing sensation. It creates a meditative effect and is the perfect practice to finish your day. The class is suitable for everyone, beginners or advanced.
All classes can be hold in German, English or Spanish
10 times card 150 €
Reduced 130 € *
Trial lesson 12 €**
* Reduction for single parents, students and Hartz IV recipients with ID, valid for 5 months
** If you purchase a 10-class card following your trial lesson you will get 12€ discount
The 10 times card is valid for 5 months
10 times card 150 €
Reduced 130 € *
Trial lesson 12 €**
* Reduction for single parents, students and Hartz IV recipients with ID, valid for 5 months
** If you purchase a 10-class card following your trial lesson you will get 12€ discount
The 10 times card is valid for 5 months

Classes / Schedule
In den schönen Räumen des KiGas Im Dachsbau unterrichte ich Yoga
KiGa Im Dachsbau
Am Dachsberg 33
85614 Kirchseeon
Telefon: +49 178 1670364
E-Mail: info@ollinyoga.de